Courses are taught by acclaimed professors notable not only for their teaching experience, but also academic achievements.

Andrey Baykov

Academic advisor of the program

Andrey Baykov was born in 1984 and graduated from Moscow State University of International Relations in 2007, receiving Master's degree in international relations. In 2009 he was awarded the Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian PhD equivalent degree) for researching comparative regional integration in East Asia and Europe. Having developed this study, in 2012 he published his major work, Comparative Integration. He has been a Docent (Associate Professor) at MGIMO since 2013, also heading its Master's Programmes Office. Andrey Baykov has published over 80 works, including a monograph and over 10 chapters in collective monographs. These publications have included: Comparative Integration: Experience and Patterns of Integration in the United Europe and Asia Pacific (2012) Megatrends of Contemporary International Developments (2013, editor, with T. Shakleina)


Irina Bolgova

Lecturer, Megatrends and Global Development

Irina V. Bolgova graduated from MGIMO University (School of Political Sciences) in 2005. MGIMO-University, Russia. Ph.D., History Dissertation title: «European Union politics towards South Caucasus and Central Asia». Academic / Teaching Experience. Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, Russia, 2006 to Present Teach Contemporary International Relations, Russian Foreign Policy Research Fellow Center for Post-Soviet Studies, MGIMO-University, Moscow, Russia, 2006 to Present Research and Teaching Interests International relations, Post-soviet space, Russia — EU relations. Grants and Awards Research grant on «The Relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union», Chair Interbrew-Baillet Latour, Institut d’études européennes, UCL. Brussels, Belgium. Publications. Bolgova I. European Union politics towards South Caucasus and Central Asia: Origins and Development (2008) (in Russian); Bolgova I. Normative vs pragmatic interest: EU policies in Central Asia // RISA’s Outlook. — 2010/2011. Spetschinsky L., Bolgova I. V. Post-Soviet or Post-Colonial? The relations between Russia and Georgia after 1991 //ERIS-European Review of International Studies. — 2014. — Т. 1. — №. 3; Istomin I., Bolgova I. Transnistrian strategy in the context of Russian—Ukrainian relations: the rise and failure of ‘dual alignment’ //Southeast European and Black Sea Studies. — 2016. — Т. 16. — №. 1. — С. 169-194.

Igor Istomin

Lecturer, Methodology of Political Analysis

Igor A. Istomin is a Associate Lecturer at the Department of Applied International Political Analysis, MGIMO University. He holds Ph.D. and M.A. degrees from this institution as well as undergraduate degree from St. Petersburg State University. Igor Istomin teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in methods of applied analysis of international affairs. He also delivered lectures and presentations in a number of foreign institutions, including among others Georgetown University (USA) and Jilin University (China). Igor Istomin is an executive editor at the Mezhdunarodnye Protsessy (International Trends) a leading Russian academic journal. He is the author of more than 50 academic publications in Russian and in English on issues of the U.S. foreign policy, relations in Euro-Atlantic space and international security. Igor Istomin is also an expert of the Russian International Affairs Council and a Foreign Policy Analytical Agency (both in Moscow) as well as a member of International Studies Association and YGLN for Euro-Atlantic Security. He is a contributor to a number of Russian and international outlets (including «Nezavisimaya Gazeta», «Izvestia», European Leadership Network and Valdai Club).

Julia Nikitina


Julia A. Nikitina is Associate Professor of World Politics and Research Fellow at the Center for the Post-Soviet Studies at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO). She is a specialist of security politics in Eurasia with a focus on regional organizations (Collective Security Treaty Organization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and also of Russian approaches to conflict-settlement in Eurasia and beyond. She is the author of the textbook «Introduction in International Relations and World Politics» (in Russian, 4 editions: 2009, 2012, 2014, 2017). In her capacity of a research fellow, she writes analytical reports for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2004. Her recent publications include: Nikitina Y. Russia’s Conflict Settlement and Mediation Strategies: Probing the Influence of National Development / Yulia Nikitina // Russia’s Approach to Arms Control, Peace Mediation and National Dialogues. Edited by Perrti Joenniemi. TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research: 102. — Tampere, 2015. — P. 77-108. Nikitina Y. Is it all about values? spanerging perceptions of security as reason for NATO-Russia crisis / Yulia Nikitina // UA: Ukraine Analytica, 1 (1), 2015. — PP. 15-23. Nikitina Y. Measuring the Efficiency of Regional Organizations in Eurasia / Yulia Nikitina // Russian Politics and Law, Volume 54, Issue 5-6, 2016. — PP. 477-493.

Maria Apanovich

Lecturer, Governance of International Migration

Maria Y. Apanovich graduated from MGIMO University (School of Political Sciences) in 2007. In 2009 graduated from the Double-diploma Master programme «International Relations» MGIMO, Moscow — Free University Berlin, Humbolt University and University of Potsdam. Thesis topic «Migration as a challenge for the European security in the 21st century». In 2013 she defended a Candidate of Science dissertation in Political Sciences, topic «Political aspects of migration process» (adaptation of the migrants, case of Germany and Switzerland).

Maria Apanovich has been teaching at MGIMO since 2013, she is a lecturer at the Department of Demography and Migration Policy since 2017. Her research interests include Migration and Integration of the Migrants, High-qualified migration and Education. Her recent publications are: Migration policy of Russia in the conditions of the international political realities / Current problems of the international relations and foreign policy in the 21st century: The monograph / Under the editorship of T.V. Kashirina and V.A. Avatkov — M.: Publishing and trade corporation «Dashkov and To», 2017 — 411 pages, C174-183.; The problem field of modern openness of movement of highly qualified specialists / Theories and a problem of political researches, No. 3, 2016, with 226-242; Educational migration in Russia: development points//Messenger of science and education. — 2015. — No. 9. — Page 79-82.

Tatiana Shakleina

Lecturer, Great Powers and Regional Subsystems in World Politics

Professor Tatiana Shakleina is a well known specialist in international studies, American and Russian foreign policy, Russian-American relations. For a long time she worked at one of the best think-tanks — Institute of the USA and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences where she was the Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Studies. In 2006 she got a very prestigious Award by the Russian Academy of Sciences «Academician E. Tarle Award in History» as a coauthor of a 4-volume monograph «Systemic History of International Relations (ed. by A.Bogaturov). Her recent publications include: Russia and the United States in World Politics. 2nd ed. M.: Aspekt Press, 2017; Foreign Policy of the Bush Administration: Concepts and Russia and the United States in the Evolving World Order. Ed. by A. Torkunov, N. Noonan, T. Shakleina. 2nd ed. M.: MGIMO University, 2019 (1st ed. 2018); Megatrends. Evolution of the Contemporary World Order. T. Shakleina, A. Baykov (eds.). 2nd ed. M.: Aspekt Press, 2014 (1st ed. 2014); International Institutions in Contemporary World Politics. Situational Analysis. Issue 5. Ed. by T. Shakleina. M.: MGIMO University, 2017.; America in the Focus of Russian Scholars. Situational Analyses. Issue 4. Ed. by T. Shakleina. M.: MGIMO University, 2014.; New Global Challenges and Threats: Problems of Regime Formation. Situational Analyses. Issue 2. Ed. by T. Shakleina. M.: MGIMO, 2013.