Students' opinions

Artem Vlasov, Russia
I dreamed to be a doctor, but diplomats are like doctors, they safe lives, they prevent bloody conflicts
Bruno Quadros e Quadros, Brazil
It was a natural chose to opt for MGIMO as the best Russian University to train future Diplomats
Zhang Zifan, China
if you want to be a master of the language you’re learning, you’d better go to place or country where people speak the language you’re learning
Silvia Lucibello, Italy
In the end it turned out to be a great experience from the professional and personal point of view
Joyce Kalala, UK
What differs MGIMO from European Universities I have studied to is the competences of the professors which come to teach

Video Interviews

Artem Vlasov, Russia
Bruno Quadros E Quadros, Brazil
Zhang Zifan, China
Silvia Lucibello, Italy
Joyce Kalala, UK

Students about MGIMO and the program

Joyce Kalala, UK

Hello! My name is Joyce Kalala, I'm from the UK and I'm currently a master student at MGIMO and one thing I would say that's very different in comparison to other European universities that I have studied is the competences of the professors of which who come to MGIMO to teach. There's such a variety from different backgrounds and also working backgrounds in history so for one we'd had many cutoffs. We've actually had people who've been very experienced in intelligence people who are very experienced in that international politics and I think that's one of the very strong points from MGIMO in what they offer.

Silvia Lucibello, Italy

I am Sylvia, I come from Italy but I study in MGIMO University, Moscow. And since I've always been interested in migration and particularly enjoyed the class we had on migration, I decided to take part in this conference on migration bridges in Eurasia and I was encouraged by my professor. In the beginning I was a bit anxious, nervous about that because I didn't think to be ready for such an experience but in the end it turned out to be a great experience both from the professional and the personal point of view.
First of all writing an article from the scientific point on professional level was not very easy so it was a good way to work on my weakest points. Then it was very hard to present my article before so many experts. But it was so very interesting because I could share my ideas and confront with people who study migration since many years. And I finally got the first prize which was very unexpected and I am very proud of that also because I haven't had such an experience in my previous university.

Bruno Quadros e Quadros, Brazil

My name is Bruno cuadros I am MGIMO student. I have chosen MGIMO because it's the elite institution in Russia and to me as someone wanting to become a Russian expert in Brazil it was like a natural choice to choose MGIMO. And because many influential people in Russia studied MGIMO. So it was like the natural choice, was almost a no-brainer.

Zhang Zifan, China

My name is Zhang Zifan, I'm from People's Republic of China and now I am among the first two students of the master program. As for the reason I chose MGIMO actually I'm obviously interested in Russian literature and language for four years in China and I really want to practice my language. Someone said, if you want to be a master of the language you're learning you'd better go to the places or the country where people speak the language you're learning. So I think that's one of the driving forces for me to come to Russia. And why choose MGIMO, not other Russian University? Because actually in my mind I think there's a strong connection between the politics and arts. I personally really like art and I just feel like the art and politics can also make someone their thinking patterns and mindset.

Artem Vlasov, Russia

Well, frankly speaking in my childhood I wanted to be a doctor. I was fond of biology and chemistry but in the ninth form I changed my mind. I decided to be a diplomat. Diplomats are like doctors - they save lives, they prevent the world from bloody conflicts which can take a huge number of lives.


Former student of the program about MGIMO and Governance and Global Affairs in particular: